Tuesday, August 3, 2010


as of midnight today i will be 21 years old.

that'll make me

6 years younger than jimmy ever was
8 years younger than a obscene poetic ginsberg spitting out the first lines of the great howl
3 years younger than dylan recording blonde on blonde
9 years younger that kerouac rumblin' on the road

4 years older than rimbaud rushing of the verlaine to become a great poet
5 years older than whitman moving to new york



  1. nice..
    or that'll will make u ehmm just 21! legally adult in every part of the world, which in fact doesn't change a bit in our actual lives..

    still, enjoy it!

    someone who has just turned 22 has spoken... and gone..

  2. orrrrrr

    it'll make me 21 and away from one of dearest friends because stupid egrmany ahs stupid schools that last till the end of stupid august!
