Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"permission to land tom"

"Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet."


Weirdest thing happens--i warn you, it truly is weird--i heard this angry ruffle type of noise so i opened up the window and leaned my head out, then i saw these two collared doves (apperantly that's what they're called in english--these prettiest birds kinda brownish in color with the most innocent, gullible looks on their pretty little faces)--anyways so this one i'm assuming to be the man of the crowd had his fetahers all fluffed and all, obviously wooing the lady, and a second later the lady sorta strolls next to him and he tries to settle himself on her, but stumbles and falls. Just when i was about to run back inside, he started to run like crazy, away from her, and she began chasing him all around the roof. he genuinely seemed hurt, it was so sweet, he sorta tried to escape, but she kept poking his head with her beak. anyways after some healing by the motherly woman of the sorowful man they manage to work out their differences when she gently lowered herself down and down, her little belly against the roof, to not let any inconveniences happen this time. before he made a move, i ran back it, and shut the window.

i don't get my freaks of watching birds reproduce or anything, but i thought it was hilarious. and sweet, in a way. in turkish they frequently use the simile of "like collared doves" for lovers (which i assure you sounds better in turkish) today i kinda knew why.

i've been having the freakiest day as it, went all the way to mecidiyeköy today, which is where i get of to take another bus to go to school, but instead i just hopped on the same bus and went back home. that precious hour that i spent on the road, listening to dylan--could have been the best hour of my week, or my month even. there's something soothing about being on the road--being somewhere that is not a destination of some sort, as if time gets put on hold until you reach a spot and flow back into life.

anyways, that, and the doves, i really don't know what that makes up to--possibly just a smile.

i am so passionately hating sony right now it's not even funny. butchered loads of videos online, now i can't find a damn thing i'm looking for.

anyways--i actually had different plans but while we're talking about random things--this would be the king of random--single most amazing moment in history of mankind-huh! screw the french revolution--i'd say this is the real deal--in honor of the bob week festivities:

"But I never throw up, man, i never throw up."

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