Friday, May 28, 2010

"tormentedly water boy"

"a song is anything that can walk by itself/i am called a songwriter. a poem is a naked person . . . some people say that i am a poet"

B.D. (Bringing It All Back Home-- liner notes)

ah i have so much to do--but it thought i'd get this ball rolling earlier--can't believe it's only a weekend away--but seriously i think i'm enjoying the waiting more than the idea of the actual show (not that it's not important) but me i'm the kinda person who enjoys being on the road simply for being on the road. destinations depress the hell out of me.

edit--about a hundred hours later

"tormentedly water boy"--Part 2

a story popped into my day the other day--the story of a story with another story added--i never had idols in my life no but i had people i loved genuinely and childishly because i had to love someone after all--so i came to include fake morals and ghost like poets--there ain't a single man in the whole wide world i'd like to wake up to as tomorrow morning--but they are tons of men and and women i'd like to hug and selflessly love for myself--say jimmy's plucking of daisies in heaven and his curls fall softly on his shoulders and the other day say some crazy teacher says how feminist we all are because we constantly only praise woman for their beauty even though when they're in fact riding bikes--and i look up lost and say "but wait a minute i do that to men all the time"--an acoustic guitar makes a man angelic--and a pen a god

i should write that story some time

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