Wednesday, April 7, 2010

though the course may change sometimes

now now it's that time of the year when the tide is turning after all, and the more clothes you shed off (it's the greatest thing about summer-by an by we get more naked as it moves) the more zepp you can put on. think of a bus stop, warm sunlight, billions of people shambled to a focus constantly shifting and shifting again hence they are too shifting and shifting again--then think of a random moment of ramble on; filling your head--that's summer--that's summer--it's not the heat or the sleep deprivation or the feeling of not being able to succeed(lingering on is after all lingering on)--still it's the zepp that pulls you down and takes you out--

i have tons to talk about. wait till the end of the week. off to take a nap now.

ps: the robert plant kid at school cut his hair sometime back, and that makes em sad everytime i see him. i'll talk about him too.

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