Wednesday, April 13, 2011

when i think about it i don't see how you can

the bands you fall for are like the boys you fall for.

it's a different kind of bonding, i mean, one that pays very little attention to their qualities, to yours, to common history or shared values.

came across by coincidence to the live streaming of a keane show in china (internet is one funny leviathan--there was especially one moment really creepy--they did this beautiful wonderful close up to chaplin's cherub face--it was so strange--because you knew it happened right then and there--more likely right then and there of your time--and of their time--it's actually all happening at the same minute--but you are somewhere else and you watch it through a screen which kills any lively feel to it but it still is alive--anyways, as i said, strange). then i heard of a rumour this afternoon that maybe keane was to come over here to perform some time around june. and if i get to hear those lovely songs live this summer, i think i'll be a much happier person.

i'm all hyper now. add that to bon jovi, and the kings, and looks like i'll be having a wonderful summer. this summer will be the end of things, it will be determining how the rest of my life will be, it will be filled with all these decisions etc etc--what do i care? especially if keane arrives and with their beautiful tunes--ah why would i--for what reason would i--really give a damn?

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