Sunday, February 28, 2010

i know you know i know you show something's tearing up your mind

some "wretched" harmonica we all are. now i am one of those old spirits who seem to believe that the sincerity and the simplicity of the souls should be praised and held above any moral social educational prejudices or norms or rules. when a feeling appears in the pit of your stomach and you may not act upon it or may not consider it important--but "by God" (as the notoriously in love cummings say, "there is no excuse for may" or something) a feeling is a feeling and it rarely comes out anyways--so why be a liar for no reason and why be one of those unfortunate mass that lead "lives of quiet desperation"--quiet being the cursed word the unnatural forced upon moral code of our times--quiet are the spirits that lurk among the hallways with big clocks and trails of names and dates--quiet are the parents who know things will not work out the way their children plan--quiet are the friends who don't really enjoy each other companies--quiet is convenience--conformity--

me being one small spot on a land long lost--i tend not to stay quiet. if there's anything in my life i am proud of--that is that i never sit quiet. honesty sincerity and all that jazz, it starts in the human stomach. even when i should probably keep my mouth shut--but even the way that sentence comes out--the shoulds and the oughts and the plans and schemes. what happened to the good old human communication, what happened to asking a question and getting an answer for it, what happened just staring at someone's face while the word comes out instead of being the one to bear a warning of "oh hush here she comes"--

man all the concealing--i think people just die of hiding the curves of their brains--or the tiny bounces of their hearts. so when a poet just writes and writes and writes and no one has a clue whatthehell but everyone cheers--why there's a man who speaks! god forbid we all let things out in the open!

and me who keeps bitching about how i live in a world of traitors and liars and people constantly chained by thoughtless evaluations--well, me of all, should honor the code of codelessness-and knowing at times the world may not be able to handle such an act or the act shall not handle the world in the proper way--still, i should be able to plug in a good old dylan song to calm my nerves brew a beautiful cup of coffee and from the corner of my eye should see nothing--nothing that stops or limits--nothing of convenient measures--nothingness is the answer to my every question--where nothing exists everything else also can--

"Good is the passive that obeys Reason. Evil is the active springing from Energy."


The grandness i seek in life
is found but in the human heart.

D. (pretending to be a lost blake-ish spirit)

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