so just saw the movie which stole my dream title today.
it had nothing to do with the doors--except that the guy had perfect morrison curls--you know, those chocolate curls that i had thought no one was capable of possesing, well, the guy had them. but besides that, it was completely unrelated to anything of that sort. i mean it had good music in it--just not the doors music.
it was fun though--cute movie, one of those movies that have a handful of screwed up people that you don't really see everyday which is what makes them special anyways. like i said good music, cute people, kinda decent storyline. for those who tumble upon this blog and assume i took the name from the movie--that is not the case. not that it matters, really, where you take anything from i guess. since no one ever can take the same thing the way you did from the same thing.
anyways--so of course i'm having a very morrison evening as it is. i'll skip dinner today (had a ginormous lunch + coffee) get some coffee and read some useless article on some useless economic bullscrap--school stuff. i have a headache though so i may totally skip that and go lorca-morrison instead.
one more thing i noticed on my way home--there's this 2 minute walk i take from the gate to the building--and the funniest things always come to my mind as i stroll. plus, allen the cat was there too. he came to me and when realized i had no food he kinda just turned around and left. anyways--god--what was i talking about?--right the thing that popped into my head.
i realized that human beings can jump back from anything. there is no sorrow no misery no depression no amount of desolation on this planet or on any other that would make you stop breathing. people recover. no matter how awful things get--no one dies of misery. which is the scariest thing i've ever noticed in my life--to always bounce back means to always feel the drop and no matter how horrible the drop is-- it won't end anything. you always get back up---you may not want it, it may make you feel terrible, you may claim everything tastes like ash. but you will move on. everybody does.
so you always have to recover. never will be a moment where it just all ends. and you can't ever not wanna suffer anymore because you've already suffered so much, it'll always be a clean slate sooner or later.
that's the immortality of human kind. not art not politics not history---just being able to recover from anything.
i shiever at the thought.
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