Monday, July 11, 2011

where the sailors are all in

the comfort of the familiar home for a day before i leave again tomorrow. my left ear's busted--i am not aiming at some comedic response or anything--seriously, i got water in it splashing all around and it screwed up something in there so i'm half deaf now (which if you ask me is not that bad, very few people say things that are worth two functional ear drums) anywho been wondering whether i have anything to say at all, or why i was never one of those common people who make friends, hang out with friends, find people who understand them and who they understand, fall in love, get married etc and all that. needless to say that perhaps a new start is really just an overdue finish--feeling mostly solo and skywalker like these day (except perhaps an evil pops and the responsibility of saving the regime) but more like in a way that i can't seem to stop discovering life but now that i've done plenty (except perhaps one thing in mind) i kinda feel tired and the least troubled by taking a few weeks off to rest. but when rest comes comes lonesme acceptance of personality and a slight sleezy joy of having not to deal with the same people in the same rooms again.

patience was never one of my strong suits and be it known that i don't do fear. what i do though is a lot of talking inside in there in my head and come to no conclusions whatsoever. yes i shall die a hopeless farmer inside.

funny thought--i feel like i fulfilled the shell that i was given and now i should move on to something else. yet as often rooms full of strangers awaits. i always liked strangers. long as they smile though. nothing more dreary than a hung up stranger. perhaps a hung up friend, yes yes, a hung up friends is much worse than a hung up stranger.

as you may have noticed half way down i really have nothing to say of importance, just a desire to say things aimlessly as i always encourage people to do but they never do so so i have to fill up the void by rambling double the amount.

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