Wednesday, July 1, 2009


As I Look Back

As I look back
over my life
I am struck by post
Ruined Snap shots

faded posters
Of a time, I can't recall

I am Scot, or so
I'm told. Really
The heir of Mystery

Snake in the Glen

The child of a
Military family...

I rebelled against church
After phases of

I curried favor in school
& attack'd the teachers

I was given a
desk in the corner
I was a fool
The smartest kid
in class

Walks in D.C. in
Negro streets. The library
& book stores. Orange
brick in warm sun.
The books & poets magic

Then sex gives greater stimulation
Than you've ever known &
all peace & books lose their
charm & you are thrown
back on the eye of vision

History of Rock
coinciding w/ my
Came to LA to
Film School
Venice Summer
Drug Visions
Roof top songs
early struggles &
Thanks to the girls
who fed me.

Making Records

Elvis had sex-wise
mature voice at 19.

Mine still retains the
nasal whine of a
repressed adolescent
minor squeaks & furies
An interesting singer
at best -a cream
or a sick croon. Nothing

Road days

fear of Plane death

And night was what Night
should be
A girl, a bottle, & blessed sleep

I have ploughed
My seed thru the heart
of the nation.
Injected a germ in the psychic blood vein.

Now I embrance the poetry
of business & become - for
a time - a "Prince of Industry"

A natural leader, a poet
a Shaman, w/ the
soul of a clown.

What am I doing
in the Bull Ring
Every public figure
running for Leader

Spectators at the Tomb
- riot watchers

Fear of Eyes

Being drunk is a good disguise.

I drink so I
can talk to assholes.
This includes me.

The horror of business

The Problem of Money
do I deserve it?

The Meeting
Rid of Managers & agents

After 4 yrs. I'm left w/a
mind like a fuzzy hammer

regret for wasted nights
& wasted years
I pissed it all away
American Music

End w/ fond good-bye
& plans for future
- Not an actor

Which of my cellves
will be remember'd

Good-bye America
I loved you

Money from home
good luck
stay out of trouble

Jim Morrison, 1966-1971. Wilderness.

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