pain is looked upon as weak, but i tell ya, people sure do spend a whole lotta strength on avoiding an enemy they consider to be so inferior. and man, they avoid it like hell.
there's a noble, tender air to pain and misery that we just can't seem to stay away, i'll accept that too. I haven't seen many people who won't mellow out once someone sheds a few tears--mankind looks lost and bewildered and appealing in the process of crying--and the one across gets this unstoppable urge to just ease the sorrow and the sadness. we rarely manage to do so, or even more rarely we try to do so, but still...the feeling just creeps in. you just wanna stop the hurting of someone else, and tears and sobs make you feel desperate and helpless, even more than theone crying--and very much likely you don't understand, and you're of no use.
i always cherished the act of crying. i think it's one of those state of beings that puts everyone on an equal level. you can be anyone and anywhere, but when you let that wall go down, you're just like everyone else. you're no longer envious, evil, plotting, cruel--you're just crying. i like that idea. i like the prospect of beliving everyone's at the core just another human being. to be able to strip away from all those unpleasent side affects of humanity and just to admit defeat with childish surrender. it refreshes your faith in everyone--and accordingly, in everything.
and life's a crazy mumbling of words, and if "cody" is right, and if we do all go to heaven leaning on the arm of someone we helped, then there isn't much to say about anything else. some have better hearts, and some don't. and evil is just as common--if not more--as good, and i don't mean it in a religious sense, i just mean it in an emotional way. there are way too many people out there who lies and cheats and murders and steals and hurts others by a hundred percent, full on free will--by choice.
and those, oftenly, cause pain for others. but pain is quite easy to cause, and not just by meannes and cruelty too. it's all a neverending, crazy dylan song. you can't get hung up on the details. most likely, you won't have a clue what's happening. you just move along, at times it'll feel magnificent, at times it'll be down the drains. one you call friend today won't even get a "hello" the next day. these things happen. people go out like stars, and worse linger around like bugs fallen on their backs. everybody hurts, even the worst ones.
and pain can make you put a gun to your head or go dye your hair, but that's not the point. The point is, everybody cries.
Just not for the same stuff.
"All the passions in the end become virtues, and all the devils angels."
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