i got the chance to watch a great documentary about joan baez--the woman who proved to me that not all women were evil (myself included, that is)--and it was just wonderful. and the best part was when my dad came in, took a look at the monitor, and just as i was getting ready to shove him out the room, he just let out, "That's Baez, isn't it?" A few seconds of my amazement passed and he added, casually, "she sings the sad stuff, though."
Baez gets to you in a different way, you know. It got to me in a different way at least. She's intimidating in her unusual beauty, and her fierceness, not to mention her pretty awesome sense of humour. Lady lived a good life, that's all I can say.
It makes you think, it really does. But I won't get to that here, for now. What's the use? I think I'm gonna keep my piehole shut tonight, listen to a few songs and maybe try to get my fingers to part wide enough to hit the right chords. who knows. i say all these things, and say some more, and then nothing happens in the end. and the saddest part is that I go back and say them once more.

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