i read a piece a few days past about an imaginary interview conducted with an imaginary john lennon at the age of 70--alive and well. it was one of the most enjoyable things i've read about men his kind. it portrayed a 70 year old, skinny, balder, wittier lennon living out in his farmland cracking jokes about the million more releases and never-before-releases and bootlegs and outtakes and etc that labels microwave and put in front of us day after day
the weird pleasant thing about the piece was that it had an oddly realistic feeling to it. john very well could have been alive. he resounds different than the others--from titans like elvis to angels like jim who with their beuty and fire never really fit into our daily world-- he feels real and possible and honest
so i pick up the pen again today only to celebrate his birthday in earnest affection--a little fact that i stumbled upon earlier today.
we have a saying in turkish about the fox returning to the fur shop no matter what. i feel them wings tickle my shoulders.
i'll probably stroll back in sooner or later.
'cause of men like john.
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