so continuing to my lovely 60s lists--i decided to take an item or a theme on every post. think of it as "my fave 60s events-items-people-music-etc" list.
so what's on the menu today? well, the lovely fierce scary glorious hells angels, of course.
as you all know hells angels are a group of motorcycle freaks--very dangerous very violent very enraged. but all the same, all that leather and macho man appeal is kinda--well--appealing. not that i support violence or anything, but i kinda find them interesting (and oh man and that they are)to learn about.
esp their portrayal in Wolfe's wonderful tale (Electric Kool Aid Acid Test)was just magnificent. the way everyone got freaked out when they showed up--how everyone was just uneasy and tense about their existence, and a bunch of colorful acitivities they took part in (won't go into details here, just in case), but the best part was how they accepted--gosh, was it mountain girl--that should be the name, mountain girl--because she won't take any bullshit from anyone. i thought that was pretty cool.
so apparently they are still around as a gang, but i personally don't hear much about them nowadays. which could be due to their reputation of blood and tears, and the Rolling Stones concert incident in which they were hired as security people (i know, wonder who was that genious who thought of that) and ended up stabbing a kid to death because he tried to come up to stage with a gun. that should be at the end of the sixties, if i'm not wrong, and the more the major scene dissolved, the lesser known its actors became. so the hells angels legend soon became somewhat milder, yet still even today they are considered to be--for some, at least-- a form of an "organized crime" gang.
as i said--they weren't exactly the nicest people that walked the earth but i'm not exactly sure if they were entirely devils on the loose. as their motto state "when we do good noone remembers, when we do bad noone forgets"-- it kinda is true. i tend to think of them as more of free highway spirits with beautiful rides rather than a gang of sons of bitches who want nothing but tearing people apart. i'm sure they have done lotsa bad things, but let's face it, who hasn't? (ok maybe theirs were on a bigger scale but oh well)
long story short i like them and i am kinda fascinated by them. i don't think they have the same spirit they had in the 60s nowadays but still i think they're kinda cool. not to mention that those lovely harleys are sweet. there's a harley davidson store on my way home which i drool at every single pass. and let's face it, what gives a man a charisma boost better than a lovely harley?
anywho--here's a picture of mick and the angels at that infamous concert:

peace out, lovers.
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