"the play now begins.. it
is all in the past... i will not be
so insulting as to write it for you"
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
soon the desert will be gone
"In the short time i was there, it all came back to me, all the flimflam, the older order of things, but something else too--that my father was the best man in the world and probably worth a hundred of me, but he didn't understand me. The town he lived and the town I lived were not the same."*
B.D. (Chronicles Vol. I)
two things today--
1) an old man sat next to me on the bus in my practically 3 hour way back home, he had eyes so blue that it scared me. never once in my life seen eyes that blue.
2)another man talked to his son/daughter on the phone, saying "yavrum (which is somthing like "my little one") i'll be there in a minute", he was wearing a suit and possibly going to see his child perform or do something, the kindest man in the world, so shaved and cleaned and proper, so secretly proud, so heavy the ages on his shoulders only in a way that can be with fathers so I faced back the window and started to cry. cried silently for a few minutes only because fathers are sad and proud, and fathers are tragic--
had the weirdest dream today--spent the whole night in a Rolling Stones show. yummy yummy dream.
and bob week of course--
ps: if i had spent half the time i spend posting here on my studying, my finals wouldn't have sucked ass, i suppose. like last night, out of the blue, I stopped studying and began reading chronicles--and the best part that i read the parts that i had almost skipped the first time--cause i thought they were boring--and last night those were the only pages i ever wanted to read
* i do not mean to disrespect anyone's privacy i just thought that part was related to the post today--though i feel wrong already of having posted it
Friday, May 28, 2010
"tormentedly water boy"
"a song is anything that can walk by itself/i am called a songwriter. a poem is a naked person . . . some people say that i am a poet"
B.D. (Bringing It All Back Home-- liner notes)
ah i have so much to do--but it thought i'd get this ball rolling earlier--can't believe it's only a weekend away--but seriously i think i'm enjoying the waiting more than the idea of the actual show (not that it's not important) but me i'm the kinda person who enjoys being on the road simply for being on the road. destinations depress the hell out of me.
edit--about a hundred hours later
"tormentedly water boy"--Part 2
a story popped into my day the other day--the story of a story with another story added--i never had idols in my life no but i had people i loved genuinely and childishly because i had to love someone after all--so i came to include fake morals and ghost like poets--there ain't a single man in the whole wide world i'd like to wake up to as tomorrow morning--but they are tons of men and and women i'd like to hug and selflessly love for myself--say jimmy's plucking of daisies in heaven and his curls fall softly on his shoulders and the other day say some crazy teacher says how feminist we all are because we constantly only praise woman for their beauty even though when they're in fact riding bikes--and i look up lost and say "but wait a minute i do that to men all the time"--an acoustic guitar makes a man angelic--and a pen a god
i should write that story some time
Thursday, May 27, 2010
softly pounding
"The picture you have in your mind of what you're about will come true."
(oh you already know who it is)
the end of the semester revealed itself today through shady pathways (finals and all can still alter the memories effectively). i took about an hour in the early morning by the banks, listening to music and staring at the ceiling of the world through layer of branches with those heart shaped leaves--oh even witnessed a crow taking a bath through the morning sprinklers--anyways, it was beautiful and quiet. then the day unrolled, and i got lost in the haze, but by the end of it it all turned out perfect--this was actually on my account the best semester i ever had in this school--the peace alone could have been enough, oh how sad i am that my world will be crowded again--the girl with the curls and my dear comrade are more than welcomed (in fact required insistently) to be back--but the rest--man all that confusion and needless drama again--oh well--
not to mention that i did truly fulfillat least parts of my craving through schoolwork, the best schedule turns out to be after all filled with classes of your like--not of your convenience--and the smart-sexy teacher who also have adorable curls declared today that he was to no longer teach regular courses, so i'm glad i reached there just in time.
anyways--so all's been well, and i am truly sorry to let this one pass, i am genuienly not this affectionate towards time spent, but this one was definetly well spent, and the people were right though not in a traditional way, and i was right, and world swirled around on its heels and chuckled.
anywho, we have full moon tonight, all is poetic in a sense, 4 days or so for the night of the muse--oh i almost forgot--you'll never know where you'll find pearls of all sorts--i was reading this piece on conservatism--i mean dead on cosnervatism--and the guy randomly began talking about friendship, and how it had to be cosnervative in the sense that it can not be changing constantly, you can't go through every butcher until you find the right meat for you, it's about the realtion itself and not its rewards--so i though to myself there lies you problem, a problem i do not know whether i can fix, but there should be some flaw in the progress of my emotions--them starting from genuine affection to concentrated obsession to anger to repulsion--and by repulsion i mean repulsion--and the other day another one of my conquests for the first time did to me what i've been doing to him for a year and a half now--stood a few steps back while i was speaking to a friend, as you do to a stranger--and it was odd, ufnamiliar, and sad--and the way the human transforms his/her rituals according to needs and changed--it's sad--obedience to all else, makes you wish you can change things, or wish to change them--but you can't--i can't either
it's all in the family--where you see love for the first time--where you are taught to love--and the way we love is the only way we are after all
i don't really know what else to say--half these things i never even thought i'd say tonight anyways--funny how thought chases thought
don't you dare assume i forgot about bob week--'course i haven't--but stupid sony's been ruining my rituals but who cares--celebration is in the air--with or without videos--
and about the quote--well--i'll take you up on that one, bob. we'll see. oh there's so much to see in the gentle brain of the youth convinced of untimely deaths!
Desolation Row
They’re selling postcards of the hanging
They’re painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
The circus is in town
Here comes the blind commissioner
They’ve got him in a trance
One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker
The other is in his pants
And the riot squad they’re restless
They need somewhere to go
As Lady and I look out tonight
From Desolation Row

Cinderella, she seems so easy
“It takes one to know one,” she smiles
And puts her hands in her back pockets
Bette Davis style
And in comes Romeo, he’s moaning
“You Belong to Me I Believe”
And someone says, “You’re in the wrong place my friend
You better leave”
And the only sound that’s left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up
On Desolation Row
Now the moon is almost hidden
The stars are beginning to hide
The fortune-telling lady
Has even taken all her things inside
All except for Cain and Abel
And the hunchback of Notre Dame
Everybody is making love
Or else expecting rain
And the Good Samaritan, he’s dressing
He’s getting ready for the show
He’s going to the carnival tonight
On Desolation Row
Now Ophelia, she’s ’neath the window
For her I feel so afraid
On her twenty-second birthday
She already is an old maid
To her, death is quite romantic
She wears an iron vest
Her profession’s her religion
Her sin is her lifelessness
And though her eyes are fixed upon
Noah’s great rainbow
She spends her time peeking
Into Desolation Row
Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood
With his memories in a trunk
Passed this way an hour ago
With his friend, a jealous monk
He looked so immaculately frightful
As he bummed a cigarette
Then he went off sniffing drainpipes
And reciting the alphabet
Now you would not think to look at him
But he was famous long ago
For playing the electric violin
On Desolation Row
Dr. Filth, he keeps his world
Inside of a leather cup
But all his sexless patients
They’re trying to blow it up
Now his nurse, some local loser
She’s in charge of the cyanide hole
And she also keeps the cards that read
“Have Mercy on His Soul”
They all play on pennywhistles
You can hear them blow
If you lean your head out far enough
From Desolation Row
Across the street they’ve nailed the curtains
They’re getting ready for the feast
The Phantom of the Opera
A perfect image of a priest
They’re spoonfeeding Casanova
To get him to feel more assured
Then they’ll kill him with self-confidence
After poisoning him with words
And the Phantom’s shouting to skinny girls
“Get Outa Here If You Don’t Know
Casanova is just being punished for going
To Desolation Row”
Now at midnight all the agents
And the superhuman crew
Come out and round up everyone
That knows more than they do
Then they bring them to the factory
Where the heart-attack machine
Is strapped across their shoulders
And then the kerosene
Is brought down from the castles
By insurance men who go
Check to see that nobody is escaping
To Desolation Row
Praise be to Nero’s Neptune
The Titanic sails at dawn
And everybody’s shouting
“Which Side Are You On?”
And Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot
Fighting in the captain’s tower
While calypso singers laugh at them
And fishermen hold flowers
Between the windows of the sea
Where lovely mermaids flow
And nobody has to think too much
About Desolation Row
Yes, I received your letter yesterday
(About the time the doorknob broke)
When you asked how I was doing
Was that some kind of joke?
All these people that you mention
Yes, I know them, they’re quite lame
I had to rearrange their faces
And give them all another name
Right now I can’t read too good
Don’t send me no more letters, no
Not unless you mail them
From Desolation Row
Desolation Row (Highway 61 Revisited)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
"this land is your land & this land is my land--sure--but the world is run by those that never listen to music anyway--"
i am miserably tired, but that does not mean i'll be slacking off on bob week. it's already half way through, and i'm at the top of my game. i do have shit load of stuff to do, but i always have shit load of stuff to do, so i don't care much.
i wanted to post here the infamous "judas" incident, but stupid stupid sony blocked all the precious dylan videos on youtube, and i spent quite some time trying to dig it up elsewhere, but no luck--it's gone. so instead, i thought i may talk about something else, but i didn't really wanna do that either. so i decided to do both--talk and not talk about it.
any dylan fan (or anyone remotely interested in the man) knows what the controversy is about. right as dylan and the band are going through instruments and such on the stage, some heated fan breaks his chains and cries (very passionately too) "Judas!" in a moment of rage. The whole crowd goes bananas, and they begin cheering and screaming. Dylan, who is practically an expert at ignoring unsatisfied fans, even screwing around with them ("It's a folk song") startles. He takes a few second, and strolls towards the mic. "I don't believe you," he snarls, "you're a liar."
now when you tell the story it doesn't sound all that impressive, but when you actually see the moment, it kinda gives you the chill. for a couple of reasons--first and foremost being the fact that it pushed dylan to respond. now people have been doing all kinda crazy things to get the attention of that man, he is usually pretty good at acting as if they don't exist (naturally, in his way of thinking, i honestly think he exists compeletely alone). especially at the height of his game, at the height of his tongue more like it--when he goes slashing and burning through poor the times reporters, you can see it hits a nerve. he pauses for a full second there.
second it's creepy--the way the crazy fella finds that very second of absolute silence to spit out his word--the way dylan just stands there, almost stranded, under attack. it makes one feel weird.
third it's a powerful way of putting it. everyone's been bitching about dylan till then but no one had put it down that poetically. "Judas" summarizes all those resentments towards him in a flashy kind of way.
why i'm talking about this--well, that's my final argument for the importance of the moment. it was my first official introduction to the man. me and my friend had watched todd haynes' i'm not there , and she--after declaring to me that "that actually happened" began digging up through dvds and finally found the one she was looking for. it was well into the night, and we both sat by the tv, in her living room, close to the screen and she found the right scene. then in the darness of the night i watched the man-kid turn around, and the first spoken words i herad from his mouth that weren't a song were those he spoke as a reponse to that fiery cry of "Judas!" I knew then something was up with him. I still do.
well hence the start of our one sided fellowship--and i thought what better occasion than bob-week to talk about it--it being both personal and historical (it is one of the greatest shows in history, do check it out, bob fan or not, it is a 1966 show called (falsely) Royal Albert Hall Concert)--but since i can't find the damn video i'll post you another precious dylan performance--this being much earlier than judas! and much more innocent and sweet--
ps: something just went wrong. i will be posting the vid later. love ya.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
"permission to land tom"
"Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet."
Weirdest thing happens--i warn you, it truly is weird--i heard this angry ruffle type of noise so i opened up the window and leaned my head out, then i saw these two collared doves (apperantly that's what they're called in english--these prettiest birds kinda brownish in color with the most innocent, gullible looks on their pretty little faces)--anyways so this one i'm assuming to be the man of the crowd had his fetahers all fluffed and all, obviously wooing the lady, and a second later the lady sorta strolls next to him and he tries to settle himself on her, but stumbles and falls. Just when i was about to run back inside, he started to run like crazy, away from her, and she began chasing him all around the roof. he genuinely seemed hurt, it was so sweet, he sorta tried to escape, but she kept poking his head with her beak. anyways after some healing by the motherly woman of the sorowful man they manage to work out their differences when she gently lowered herself down and down, her little belly against the roof, to not let any inconveniences happen this time. before he made a move, i ran back it, and shut the window.
i don't get my freaks of watching birds reproduce or anything, but i thought it was hilarious. and sweet, in a way. in turkish they frequently use the simile of "like collared doves" for lovers (which i assure you sounds better in turkish) today i kinda knew why.
i've been having the freakiest day as it, went all the way to mecidiyeköy today, which is where i get of to take another bus to go to school, but instead i just hopped on the same bus and went back home. that precious hour that i spent on the road, listening to dylan--could have been the best hour of my week, or my month even. there's something soothing about being on the road--being somewhere that is not a destination of some sort, as if time gets put on hold until you reach a spot and flow back into life.
anyways, that, and the doves, i really don't know what that makes up to--possibly just a smile.
i am so passionately hating sony right now it's not even funny. butchered loads of videos online, now i can't find a damn thing i'm looking for.
anyways--i actually had different plans but while we're talking about random things--this would be the king of random--single most amazing moment in history of mankind-huh! screw the french revolution--i'd say this is the real deal--in honor of the bob week festivities:
"But I never throw up, man, i never throw up."
Monday, May 24, 2010
last thoughts on the 24th of may
so, long day.
not exactly the day i planned, but still, a long one.
more on the emotional side i think, i have this feeling of stretching out the days--you know how you have tons of stuff to do but the time is uber short, but that short time feels like centuries because you're not doing what you're supposed to do?
did a few things i've been meaning to--downloaded exile on main st in its entirety, managed to study a little. listened to a few dylan albums from track one to the last on my way to school, tried to do the same on the way home but dosed off since my body was badly lacking sleep.
there's really not much to say, honestly, been somewhat of a wasted day, i suppose. though a wise man once said "time's not wasted, if you enjoy wasting it" or something similar to that (that very same wise man was staring at me through my tv screen the other day as the corporate giants butchered his liver and as he so sweetly stated, "how's that rock'n roll?" making me think about my own sense of rock'n roll)--anyways that's not really related to the point that i'm making, which i'm not really making any, i suppose, this whole summer deal is suffocating me and my search for something itchier has begun but i feel tired even for that--
been doing some planning and all to not waste the entire week, i'm practically shutting myself to the exterior world to get at least a bit of studying in before the finals rage full force--and i roll over and die.
before i wrap this up--in no way an ending to this very notorious week but--this day is about to let me pass, so i thought i'd put in a few words before i'm done with the subject--the thing is--i don't really have anything to say. the first time i ever realized how great his words was through the song below, it wasn't the first dylan song i listened to, it surely wasn't the last, but it was the one i took notice of his words for the first time. i realized i've been falling into a half a century old trap of trying to explain the guy, but i can't, and i won't, but as i said before, he calms my nerves, and , i thought of it the other day, i listen to him everytime i need a break, everytime i need silence, i listen to him everytime my heart swallows in my chest--it's a fellowship of some sort i suppose--he tames my worries--he as in what i perceive him to me--for he is in fact some little old guy sipping his tea possibly unsatisfied with the way his life turned out to be--everyone is unsatisfied, everyone will be at the end--
happy birthday old fella. take care. be fine. live long to be with your kids and grandkids, and all the precious things life has to offer.
not exactly the day i planned, but still, a long one.
more on the emotional side i think, i have this feeling of stretching out the days--you know how you have tons of stuff to do but the time is uber short, but that short time feels like centuries because you're not doing what you're supposed to do?
did a few things i've been meaning to--downloaded exile on main st in its entirety, managed to study a little. listened to a few dylan albums from track one to the last on my way to school, tried to do the same on the way home but dosed off since my body was badly lacking sleep.
there's really not much to say, honestly, been somewhat of a wasted day, i suppose. though a wise man once said "time's not wasted, if you enjoy wasting it" or something similar to that (that very same wise man was staring at me through my tv screen the other day as the corporate giants butchered his liver and
been doing some planning and all to not waste the entire week, i'm practically shutting myself to the exterior world to get at least a bit of studying in before the finals rage full force--and i roll over and die.
before i wrap this up--in no way an ending to this very notorious week but--this day is about to let me pass, so i thought i'd put in a few words before i'm done with the subject--the thing is--i don't really have anything to say. the first time i ever realized how great his words was through the song below, it wasn't the first dylan song i listened to, it surely wasn't the last, but it was the one i took notice of his words for the first time. i realized i've been falling into a half a century old trap of trying to explain the guy, but i can't, and i won't, but as i said before, he calms my nerves, and , i thought of it the other day, i listen to him everytime i need a break, everytime i need silence, i listen to him everytime my heart swallows in my chest--it's a fellowship of some sort i suppose--he tames my worries--he as in what i perceive him to me--for he is in fact some little old guy sipping his tea possibly unsatisfied with the way his life turned out to be--everyone is unsatisfied, everyone will be at the end--
happy birthday old fella. take care. be fine. live long to be with your kids and grandkids, and all the precious things life has to offer.
more on 24th of may
edit. 15:48

B.D.--Highway 61 Revisited (Highway 61 Revisited)

"Oh God said to Abraham, “Kill me a son”
Abe says, “Man, you must be puttin’ me on”
God say, “No.” Abe say, “What?”
God say, “You can do what you want Abe, but
The next time you see me comin’ you better run”
Well Abe says, “Where do you want this killin’ done?”
God says, “Out on Highway 61”"
B.D.--Highway 61 Revisited (Highway 61 Revisited)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
may your song always be sung
“He would always say what do you think [of a lyric]. I wouldn’t understand the thing at all, but I loved it so I tried to figure it out. I gave him my interpretation of what I thought it was about. He said, “Oh, that’s pretty f---ing good. Twenty years from now all these assholes are going to be writing about the s--- I wrote. I don’t know where the f--- it comes from and what the f--- it’s about.’”Joan Baez
it's 9.26 on this bright, breezy may morning.
i have the longest day ahead, but that's all right, there's always something to celebrate.
like a birthday of a long standing muse.
it's probably not about staying forever young or anything, but it's such a catchy phrase you know. not to mention that's likely it's a cheap blow--saying happy birthday through a song of his--but still, if anyone had done anything better, i wouldn't have used this one over and over again.
edit: 12.17-- let's turn this into an all day festivity what do you say? as of this very second i just realized that there's something super dumbish about carrying a backpack on your pack. (i know--random--but what is dylan if not random?)
vandals took the handles
"Yes, life woulda been
a mistake without music"

"A great work of art is like a dream, for all its apparent obviousness it does not explain itself and is never unequivocal."--C.Jung
that very final week have arrived children, and me being the most sentimentally ritualistic person in the whole wide world--i could not have let it pass without making a huge fuss about it all--starting tomorrow with a celebration of his birthday, all through this week until that lovely day of summer, this blog will have stuff about that pal of mine Zimmerman,as it usually always does, but this time, just a tiny bit more.
so hallelujah, i hereby announce the launch of bob-week. enjoy.
Friday, May 21, 2010
against the wind
i am the textbook definition of a mood swing.
i was quite restless and beat up this morning, but now i'm the exact opposite.
quite a few things have been happening that i sadly didn't get a chance to talk about on here--starting with a wonderful night of wine and music and dancing ("cigarettes and songs" as one charming followill would say)--i heard about some of my drunken revelations ("you don't tell me anything" or "you put a wall between people and yourself" and such)--and then we had a charming morning (running through the morning jam of the city, being late, being angry, then laughing uncontrollably, then sipping tea, then making your way through streets as innocent as they get--horses chasing around ghosts through summer heat and my tough old country women shoo-ing them as one does to a cat, being ignored as you struggle to order coffee, being in between a dog fight, or a song game, or something else compeletely out of the box)--so that was all great.
then the day before we were enjoying a few cigarettes by this wonderful spot that i had never been before--"somewhere ages and ages hence"--and i looked at the way the school looked from afar--and it was beautiful--poetic--the whole robert frost thing to its core--makes you understand why perception is the only tool through which we see the world--and then something even greater happened, this friend of a friend who was sitting by me staring at this beautiful view took out his ipod and started randomly to listen to music. i knew what music meant, i knew what listening to music meant, it was the most honest and straightforward thing anyone had done to me. i even told him that, though he was slightly embarrassed, i hope he knew what i meant.
we got to talking about the world and all, and i realized there was this Dylan-like vagueness over my ideas, this "screw the world, screw the revolution" attitude--this lack of faith in everyone who thinks as if they don't think enough, or live by what they think enough or something but i said there and i'll say it again it all comes down to your own individual conscience--there is no greater scheme there is no greater movement--the core of it is just me and its just you--all we have to do is to follow ourselves completely and i swear it'll all be better--it's not the society we fight against everyday it's ourselves--it's me--
(a wonderful zepp song just came up on the radio)
then there was today. this secretary general of UN fella--cutest thing ever--came by for a chat. active politics sickens me. the sexiest teacher ever once told us that politics was amoral. it's not amoral--no i don't think so--though morality itself is shady enough but still even morality beats politics--politics is the world in which everyone is immoral and nobody cares
midst of it all a friend of mine who i thought didn't know me that well struck me today by saying "you seem down today" which i responded by a bitter smile--it's good to be cared for, but scary to know that your guards are not that strong and you may be more transparent than you think -- then another friend told me not to be honest-- to which i couldn not really relate at all--it all comes to your personal revolution i suppose i like being at peace at night--and me myself i ain't no easy one to tackle
so as you see--it's been good days--a few minor restlessness concerning the future and all but oh well
be well. be true.
ps: as of this weekend i'll be launching the bob-week.
i was quite restless and beat up this morning, but now i'm the exact opposite.
quite a few things have been happening that i sadly didn't get a chance to talk about on here--starting with a wonderful night of wine and music and dancing ("cigarettes and songs" as one charming followill would say)--i heard about some of my drunken revelations ("you don't tell me anything" or "you put a wall between people and yourself" and such)--and then we had a charming morning (running through the morning jam of the city, being late, being angry, then laughing uncontrollably, then sipping tea, then making your way through streets as innocent as they get--horses chasing around ghosts through summer heat and my tough old country women shoo-ing them as one does to a cat, being ignored as you struggle to order coffee, being in between a dog fight, or a song game, or something else compeletely out of the box)--so that was all great.
then the day before we were enjoying a few cigarettes by this wonderful spot that i had never been before--"somewhere ages and ages hence"--and i looked at the way the school looked from afar--and it was beautiful--poetic--the whole robert frost thing to its core--makes you understand why perception is the only tool through which we see the world--and then something even greater happened, this friend of a friend who was sitting by me staring at this beautiful view took out his ipod and started randomly to listen to music. i knew what music meant, i knew what listening to music meant, it was the most honest and straightforward thing anyone had done to me. i even told him that, though he was slightly embarrassed, i hope he knew what i meant.
we got to talking about the world and all, and i realized there was this Dylan-like vagueness over my ideas, this "screw the world, screw the revolution" attitude--this lack of faith in everyone who thinks as if they don't think enough, or live by what they think enough or something but i said there and i'll say it again it all comes down to your own individual conscience--there is no greater scheme there is no greater movement--the core of it is just me and its just you--all we have to do is to follow ourselves completely and i swear it'll all be better--it's not the society we fight against everyday it's ourselves--it's me--
(a wonderful zepp song just came up on the radio)
then there was today. this secretary general of UN fella--cutest thing ever--came by for a chat. active politics sickens me. the sexiest teacher ever once told us that politics was amoral. it's not amoral--no i don't think so--though morality itself is shady enough but still even morality beats politics--politics is the world in which everyone is immoral and nobody cares
midst of it all a friend of mine who i thought didn't know me that well struck me today by saying "you seem down today" which i responded by a bitter smile--it's good to be cared for, but scary to know that your guards are not that strong and you may be more transparent than you think -- then another friend told me not to be honest-- to which i couldn not really relate at all--it all comes to your personal revolution i suppose i like being at peace at night--and me myself i ain't no easy one to tackle
so as you see--it's been good days--a few minor restlessness concerning the future and all but oh well
be well. be true.
Visions of Johanna from ramonramon on Vimeo.
ps: as of this weekend i'll be launching the bob-week.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
out of place
before i started off with my impossible task of reading war and peace i actually had just started said's out of place. i will return to that book one day, i know that, but that's not the point i'm trying to make, the point is i have this feeling of not having a point a way of not fitting in a way of feeling out of place--all these people swirling around with happy faces i swear god i neevr felt more stranger to them in my life--it's not misery or anything i'm perfectly fine even joyful had good days and better nights last week (including a bottle of wine and dancing under the pouring rain--poetic stuff) but it still doesn't feel right--i go i travel i laugh but i never make anything mine--these are not my friends this is not my place these are not my days
i don't know what it is. i just know it's in my stomach. this forceful tastelessness this way of existing without really existing as if doing a favor to all those others going through the motions and all
not even songs not even songs seem to be able to fix it
damn you great russian men who wrote the most beautiful words only to ruin my life 100 times evert day
i don't know what it is. i just know it's in my stomach. this forceful tastelessness this way of existing without really existing as if doing a favor to all those others going through the motions and all
not even songs not even songs seem to be able to fix it
damn you great russian men who wrote the most beautiful words only to ruin my life 100 times evert day
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
barefoot girls dancin' in the moonlight
you know what i like more than listening to a great song? listening to it a million years later in the randomest of moments and remembering how great it was.
'said i was easily amused.
oh fogerty. sexiest voice ever.
'said i was easily amused.
oh fogerty. sexiest voice ever.
Monday, May 17, 2010
with the one who tries to hide what he don't know to begin with
you know, some of these people i just don't get. their immaturity is out of this world, man--i am neither that smart nor that sane but, seriously? is this how small their bubbles are, how empty, how meaningless? it makes me sad. the way they squeeze their tinyness, attaching it to the texture of others.
but honestly who cares? it's all 'bout misunderstanding anyhow. misunderstanding love, loyalty, friendship, joy, games.. i can't correct them all.

it's all right boys, i still love ya. in a healthy way, that is.
but honestly who cares? it's all 'bout misunderstanding anyhow. misunderstanding love, loyalty, friendship, joy, games.. i can't correct them all.

it's all right boys, i still love ya. in a healthy way, that is.
Friday, May 14, 2010
pastures of plenty
i have this way of existing by myself in the midst of the largest groups--i would sit there and smile and be in the conversation and ask questions and look interested but there in that very second i'll be somewhere completely different. now i got no explanations for it or anything i just know it happens a little too often and with just about anybody--
see if you don't really have anyone on your mind--no one you care for in that very childishly speacial way--some dark figure cut out from you imagination whom you can reach out when the view is pretty and lights sparkle over the water and you have a cigarette in your hand and a good bottle of wine--
but when your heart is a colorless as a monday morning a good bottle of wine is only a good bottle of wine
here's the thing--i'm tired. just got home from 2 days out on the streets and i have good even great stuff to talk about---but honestly i'm tired as hell and just wanna make some coffee for myself and chill out--maybe listen to a few bob-s since it seems we've been ringing his ears (a turkish phrase that i honestly thought would look better but oh well--meaning talk about someone, they even say if your left one rings they're dishing shit about you and if the right one's going on then it's somewhat better (though technically they're still talking behind your back)) anyways so some day other than this one i will tell you all about all them unimportant things
till then
love you all
see if you don't really have anyone on your mind--no one you care for in that very childishly speacial way--some dark figure cut out from you imagination whom you can reach out when the view is pretty and lights sparkle over the water and you have a cigarette in your hand and a good bottle of wine--
but when your heart is a colorless as a monday morning a good bottle of wine is only a good bottle of wine
here's the thing--i'm tired. just got home from 2 days out on the streets and i have good even great stuff to talk about---but honestly i'm tired as hell and just wanna make some coffee for myself and chill out--maybe listen to a few bob-s since it seems we've been ringing his ears (a turkish phrase that i honestly thought would look better but oh well--meaning talk about someone, they even say if your left one rings they're dishing shit about you and if the right one's going on then it's somewhat better (though technically they're still talking behind your back)) anyways so some day other than this one i will tell you all about all them unimportant things
till then
love you all
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
i looked up to my bookshelf and my sad war and peace that had been standing there for centuries--then i said to myself "why go on living if you're not going to read you tolstoy? why even take up space?"
so i pressed my russian spirit to my chest all day and realized how good somethings were
so i pressed my russian spirit to my chest all day and realized how good somethings were
Monday, May 10, 2010
may 8th
in between my general taste-less-ness and lack of enthusiasm, i must have looked this one over. forgive me, getnle spirit of the wonderful Robert Johnson. may 8th was his birthday, i should have mentioned that here, but things have been a bit out of control lately, i must have let it slip. well, it may be too little, too late now but still, happy birthday robert johnson, nonetheless.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
"To one man, lonesomeness is the flight of the sick one, to another, it is the flight from the sick ones."
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
i cut my heart out with a butter knife everyday. everyday. then all i can do is shrug when people ask "what's with the tears?"--there i stand at the edge of the water and never having the guts to just take the plunge
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
winter dreams the same dream every time
man, this season is one wicked one, i swear, all that sunlight and heat/cold/heat again/cold again made me all sleepy. i'm a bundle of joy inside but i can collapse any minute like a sack, i don't really know why.
truth is i was planning to talk about how happy i was today--the sun and the blue skies and a good grade (ok, i have to say this, one of my teachers prove that being smart in a cool way is totally sexy)then had chocolate, and tried to figure out whether or not i was to have boys or girls--anyways all that simple silly things of the spring that starts flowing through once you get dopey enough--
but then i got home and read what a friend had written, i got somewhat quiter. i remembered immediately what i realized this morning ( i realize a million things every day but rarely ever hold on to them long enough to post here, unless a dylan song or something random reminds me of them), anywho, this whole spring business is actually pretty much a marketing miracle, considering that all the beautiful flowers that were in full bloom only a week or so ago are now slowly drying up and shedding of their colorful petals and all is getting blend and dry and miserable with the approaching of summer and let's face it what is spring if not the whore of the "dry thoughts of a dry season"--
even spring i guess can't be pure or pretty--hell, i'd take both winter and fall over spring--honesty--lacking in spring--a few days of color and beauty then 99 days of slowly rising heat and that feeling of "shit there goes another one" creeping in--soon the crows will lose their glory and the birds won't sing in the morning--and the dogs will be too tired and too sweaty to do anything and we'll be crammed up in classes and classes in which you can't even breathe--so over all what i'm saying is that i don't like summer-so i don't really like spring though it makes me super happy and super colorful--i think it's fake--it's a fake kind of happy
BUT that shouldn't be any reason to not listen to tomster and his song(which i listened like 897 times in the last day or two--over and over and over again) who in his insanity, full-ness, ragged-ness, poet-ness, charming-ness, lovely-ness is such a shoulder to NOT cry on but laugh your heart out--he's like those first few weeks of spring--open and beautiful and sweet
truth is i was planning to talk about how happy i was today--the sun and the blue skies and a good grade (ok, i have to say this, one of my teachers prove that being smart in a cool way is totally sexy)then had chocolate, and tried to figure out whether or not i was to have boys or girls--anyways all that simple silly things of the spring that starts flowing through once you get dopey enough--
but then i got home and read what a friend had written, i got somewhat quiter. i remembered immediately what i realized this morning ( i realize a million things every day but rarely ever hold on to them long enough to post here, unless a dylan song or something random reminds me of them), anywho, this whole spring business is actually pretty much a marketing miracle, considering that all the beautiful flowers that were in full bloom only a week or so ago are now slowly drying up and shedding of their colorful petals and all is getting blend and dry and miserable with the approaching of summer and let's face it what is spring if not the whore of the "dry thoughts of a dry season"--
even spring i guess can't be pure or pretty--hell, i'd take both winter and fall over spring--honesty--lacking in spring--a few days of color and beauty then 99 days of slowly rising heat and that feeling of "shit there goes another one" creeping in--soon the crows will lose their glory and the birds won't sing in the morning--and the dogs will be too tired and too sweaty to do anything and we'll be crammed up in classes and classes in which you can't even breathe--so over all what i'm saying is that i don't like summer-so i don't really like spring though it makes me super happy and super colorful--i think it's fake--it's a fake kind of happy
BUT that shouldn't be any reason to not listen to tomster and his song(which i listened like 897 times in the last day or two--over and over and over again) who in his insanity, full-ness, ragged-ness, poet-ness, charming-ness, lovely-ness is such a shoulder to NOT cry on but laugh your heart out--he's like those first few weeks of spring--open and beautiful and sweet
Tom Waits - "You Can Never Hold Back Spring" video from Anti Records on Vimeo.
Monday, May 3, 2010
good day sunshine!
aah, it's finally sheer spring.
"what's beyond logic happens beneath will;
nor can these moments be translated:i say
that even after April
by God there is no excuse for May"
aah, it's finally sheer spring.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
...you like music:
мои тавариш!
i heard the fall of 4 more angels this morning burning their wings to a crisp screaming at the top of their lungs "is it all my fault that i have been brought to this unruly world?" and then being turned on their sides to be swept beneath wallets heavy and fashionably designed with in-style patterns of ideas--i say discourse being not only when you accept but when you accept to critisize in that precise way and overlook such angels of no crime roll over in their blood--ambushed! frightened!--this world this world has nothing to offer but a pile of bones where once stood a son--
it is the first of may today. a wise man (on certain accounts) sparked a fire that roared and came rolling down the mountains but somehow just never manage to fit itself into the villages--one can only hope--the day may come after all--as another wise man (also on certain accounts) had said "I have no objection to wealth, the trouble is the aquisition"--amen then brother
and this in the honor of the day--this most powerful silver sword you plunge into the heart of that wicked sense of justice--bet that wasn't what the third very wise man (on even more certain accounts) had in mind but --listen &read the words of this one read it like it's written in front of your eyes and maybe you will feel its presence tie a knot in your throat but if not--still--i'd say it's all right ma-- i may be the only one sighing after all--
it is the first of may today. a wise man (on certain accounts) sparked a fire that roared and came rolling down the mountains but somehow just never manage to fit itself into the villages--one can only hope--the day may come after all--as another wise man (also on certain accounts) had said "I have no objection to wealth, the trouble is the aquisition"--amen then brother
and this in the honor of the day--this most powerful silver sword you plunge into the heart of that wicked sense of justice--bet that wasn't what the third very wise man (on even more certain accounts) had in mind but --listen &read the words of this one read it like it's written in front of your eyes and maybe you will feel its presence tie a knot in your throat but if not--still--i'd say it's all right ma-- i may be the only one sighing after all--
"Dawn comes, there is no mouth to receive it,
for there neither morning nor promise possible.
Only now and again a furious rabble of coins
that enter and ravage the dispossessed childhoods."
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